Trager Therapy Level 16


13. Mar. 2025 - 10:00 -
16. Mar. 2025 - 15:30


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Reflex Response 2

"Don't try. Trying is effort, effort creates tension. If you feel tension, the easier you must be." Dr. Milton Trager

In this class we can look at deeper listening and application to specific situations and particular needs of our clients - e.g. spasticity, balance and lack of stability, spinal problems. We incorporate Reflex Response in a variety of positions suitable for treatment: Lateral, Sitting (suitable for wheelchair or less mobile clients), Kneeling, Standing. We look at use and reason for doing compressions (e.g. in hypermobility: loss of sensory structure). We explore Reflex Response in Mentastics for better balance and stability, communication of the process and show the value for the client.

Learning content Level 16

  • functioning of different muscle groups
  • balancing tone, decreasing or increasing depending on the situation
  • theory and practice to find better balance and stability yourself and how to communicate this to the client.
  • appropriate integration of Reflex Response into treatment
  • theory about the understanding of the human being as an independent creator of his or her life, who develops his or her potential (professional profile KT)

The participants

  • know the functioning of antagonistic muscle groups
  • can balance, decrease or increase tone depending on the situation
  • achieve better balance and stability and can communicate this to the client
  • can integrate Reflex Response appropriately into the treatment
  • understands and respects the person as an independent creator of his or her life, who tries to develop his or her potential and create meaning (professional profile KT)


25 hours of training, EMR/ASCA compliant.

Course times

Thu, 10 - 12.30 / 15 - 18.30 h
Fri, 9 - 12.30 / 15 - 18.30 h
Sat, 9 - 12.30 / 15 - 18.30 h
Sun, 9 - 12.30 / 13.30 – 15 h

Bring along

Comfortable clothes, slippers if necessary.

More informations

Video about Trager Therapy

Course Instructor

Course teacher


became a physiotherapist in 1974 and was later drawn to Trager after experiencing Reflex Response for the first time in a session with a Trager practitioner. This experience and continued fascination with Reflex Response inspired her to become a Trager practitioner in 2002, a tutor in 2006 and RR teacher in 2014, More recently, Katriona became an Instructor. She has organised Trager Egypt for the past 22 years and now teaches Trager trainings to the community there. Katriona is married and has lived in Cairo, Egypt since 1975, where she runs a full time practice and has led active childbirth classes for women in Egypt for the past 30 years. She has studied Somatic Experiencing® to complement her work, which enables her to help clients cope with traumatic events in their lives, both large and small.

Prices per person for full board and lodging for 3 nightsCHF
Single occupancy of 2-bed-room clay or wood100 with shower/toilet738.00
2-bed-room clay or wood100 with shower/toilet558.00
Single occupancy of 2-bed-room with shower/toilet588.00
1-bed-room with shower/toilet558.00
Single occupancy of 2-bed-room, shower/toilet on floor528.00
2-bed-room with shower/toilet453.00
2-bed-room, shower/toilet on floor423.00
3-bed-room with shower/toilet423.00
3-bed-room, shower/toilet on floor363.00
4-bed-room, shower/toilet on floor333.00

Personal advice

Course manager icon
Elsa Sousa

Main Number: +41 33 676 26 76 | Direct Number: +41 33 676 76 25 | E-Mail: