Gabriele Shinmyo GEIGER-STAPPEL

Course manager

Gabriele Shinmyo GEIGER-STAPPEL

Sensei (Zen teacher), practiced contemplation and later Zen with Pia Gyger from 1990. In 2006 she was authorized by her and Niklaus Brantschen SJ as a contemplation teacher of via integralis. Gabriele deepened her Zen training with Anna Gamma Roshi in Lucerne and was appointed Zen teacher by her in 2022. She leads Zen courses at the ZenZentrum Offener Kreis Luzern, at the Kientaler Hof, in Glarus and at the Zendo Offener Kreis in Freiburg i. Br. She is a physician for psychosomatic medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy. Her further training as a mindfulness teacher (mbsr) and her personal practice in mindfulness flow into her work as a therapist and supervisor. For many years, together with her husband, Bernhard Stappel, she gave courses on "Partnership as a Spiritual Path". Together they lead the Zendo Offener Kreis in Freiburg i.Br. and realize their vision "Two Wings". Gabriele is mother of two daughters and grandmother.

