Eco printing - dyeing with plant material-en - Kientalerhof

Eco printing - dyeing with plant material


31. Aug. 2024 - 10:00 Uhr -
31. Aug. 2024 - 16:00 Uhr


Course image wrapper Course image

Throughout the ages people have cultivated knowledge and practiced the art of dyeing with natural colors.
In current times, heavily influenced by the industrial revolution, we have grown used to the wide variety of easily accessible chemically produced colors. Now is the perfect time for us to reconnect to this ancient skill with a modern twist and appreciate the gifts that nature provides right before us.

Workshop Description

Eco-printing is a natural and sustainable way of coloring fabric using various parts of the plant. In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of preparing fabric for dyeing, get to know the benefits and history of natural dyeing and identify plants that give color, some of which can be found right in our own garden or kitchen! Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities, experimenting with techniques to create their unique eco-printed piece.

Workshop will be held in English.


No specific prerequisites are required - anyone is welcome to attend.

Course duration

10:00-12:30 Introduction, scouring, mordanting, acquiring pigment, demonstration.
12:30-14:00 Lunch break*
14:00-16:00 Practical work – gathering plant material, creating your own eco-print piece.

Course price

We offer a range of prices for all our courses. You can decide based on your financial possibilities.
A participation should not fail due to lack of money, contact us if you need support.

CHF 85*
This contribution covers the minimal costs and effort for this workshop. We offer this option for low-income earners.

CHF 125*
The costs for the preparation and implementation of the workshop are covered and a small contribution can be made to the permaculture project, which enables its preservation

CHF 165*
All costs for the preparation and implementation of the workshop are
covered and a large contribution can flow into the Naturhof Permaculture project, which enables further development.

*) The price includes the workshop day and food during your stay.
Contact us for the option of accommodation, we will instruct you.

Naturhof team offers locally grown and home cooked vegan meals, straight from the garden.
We appreciate your lunch booking in advance.
*) You can book your lunch or bring your own meal.


Naturhof, Griesalpstrasse 94, 3723 Kiental


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More information


Course Instructor

Course teacher


is multifaceted Latvian artist currently residing in Kiental, Switzerland. She is a part of Naturhof permaculture project team focusing on flowers. In her free time, she works as a freelance illustrator.