Seminar of an external host - course language is English
Please register in the following steps:1. Seminar Registration and more information:School of movement medicine.
2. Room Reservation: To book accommodation at the Kientalerhof after confirmation of your place on the course by the organiser,>> click on the red button above Book room.
Various room categories including prices can be found in the table below.
At the darkest point of the year, we invite you to join us at the beautiful Kientalerhof Residential Centre in Switzerland, to reflect on and digest all that we have lived through in the previous twelve months.Nurtured by our beautiful surroundings, we will follow the energy of the season and acknowledge, digest and release the old year and then, tuning in to the silent wisdom in our cells, we will sense what longs to emerge through us in the year ahead. We will plant the seeds of these dreams in the fertile ground of the dance, bringing them into being through movement, art and Movement Medicine ceremony.
Sharing our stories, we will embody and dance our prayers for ourselves, all our relations and the wider web to which we belong. This workshop is an invitation to return to the roots of yourself, nourish what keeps you connected and awaken sparks of hope and inspiration for the year ahead.
This year, we are delighted to be joined by Reuben Darling Khan and his wife Haein Cho. Reuben will share his Fundamentals of Wellbeing work with us. This will support us all to deepen our vitality and wellbeing through easy-to-apply tools designed to strengthen our core health. And Haein, will be offering early morning yoga (highly recommended), and cacao as part of our ceremony.
"“For Susannah and myself, this has always been a special time – a time to look back, let go and give thanks for the year that has been; a time to focus on what is important, sharpen our intent, and make space for the dreams of a new cycle. We have found this process both moving and effective as we dance ourselves into the fresh landscape of a new year.”
Your Stay
Please consult the table below to find out about the prices for your stay including food excluding the seminar costs.Course Fee
CHF 950.00 / CHF 850.00 early bird until 21.9.2025 / CHF 700.00 on request / higher price CHF 1’050.00 self assessment, plus accommodation and meals (see table).Seminar of an external host - course language is English
Please register in the following steps:1. Seminar Registration and more or
Register directly with the external host Mail to Chan Park
2. Room Reservation: To book accommodation at the Kientalerhof after confirmation of your place on the course by the organiser,>> click on the red button above Book room.
Various room categories including prices can be found in the table below.
At the darkest point of the year, we invite you to join us at the beautiful Kientalerhof Residential Centre in Switzerland, to reflect on and digest all that we have lived through in the previous twelve months.Nurtured by our beautiful surroundings, we will follow the energy of the season and acknowledge, digest and release the old year and then, tuning in to the silent wisdom in our cells, we will sense what longs to emerge through us in the year ahead. We will plant the seeds of these dreams in the fertile ground of the dance, bringing them into being through movement, art and Movement Medicine ceremony.
Sharing our stories, we will embody and dance our prayers for ourselves, all our relations and the wider web to which we belong. This workshop is an invitation to return to the roots of yourself, nourish what keeps you connected and awaken sparks of hope and inspiration for the year ahead.
This year, we are delighted to be joined by Reuben Darling Khan and his wife Haein Cho. Reuben will share his Fundamentals of Wellbeing work with us. This will support us all to deepen our vitality and wellbeing through easy-to-apply tools designed to strengthen our core health. And Haein, will be offering early morning yoga (highly recommended), and cacao as part of our ceremony.
"“For Susannah and myself, this has always been a special time – a time to look back, let go and give thanks for the year that has been; a time to focus on what is important, sharpen our intent, and make space for the dreams of a new cycle. We have found this process both moving and effective as we dance ourselves into the fresh landscape of a new year.”
Your Stay
Please consult the table below to find out about the prices for your stay including food excluding the seminar costs.Course Fee
CHF 950.00 / CHF 850.00 early bird until 21.9.2025 / CHF 700.00 on request / higher price CHF 1’050.00 self assessment, plus accommodation and meals (see table).Course Instructor
has grown up surrounded by the wonderful, weird and profound culture of the dance. Some of his first memories are of sleeping underneath the Dj booth as his parents lead dancers through the rhythms and rollercoasters of the work. He has found his passion and purpose in supporting people to "experience the gift and magic of life through the physical manifestation of being in a body". He trained as a chef from an early age and more recently as a Functional medicine health coach as well as a Movement Medicine teacher and has studied the ancient wisdom of different indigenous cultures mainly of the americas. He is a musician and Dj and has had the privilege of spending much of his life in service to ritual spaces. Having many different strings to his bow he is finding his way of threading it all together into a body of work that connects people to their vitality, to their essence and purpose and to the majesty of life.
Preise für Übernachtung inkl. Vollpension für 5 Nächte | CHF |
ChieneHuus (Holz 100 oder Lehmputz): | |
Einzelbelegung Doppelzimmer mit WC/Dusche | 1050.00 |
Doppelzimmer mit WC/Dusche | 780.00 |
Kientalerhof: | |
Einzelbelegung Doppelzimmer mit WC/Dusche | 825.00 |
Einzelzimmer mit WC/Dusche | 780.00 |
Einzelbelegung Doppelzimmer mit Etagendusche/WC | 735.00 |
Doppelzimmer mit WC/Dusche | 620.00 |
Doppelzimmer mit Etagendusche/WC | 575.00 |
Dreibettzimmer mit WC/Dusche | 575.00 |
Dreibettzimmer mit Etagendusche/WC | 485.00 |
Vierbettzimmer mit Etagendusche/WC | 440.00 |
Zuschlag bei externer Übernachtung: 10.- pro Nacht | 50.00 |
Personal advice
Sarah Waldhauser
Main Number: +41 33 676 26 76 | E-Mail: