
In this directory you will find all our lecturers (external providers not listed)

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Course manager


runs a practice in Zurich and offers coaching and breathing sessions for personal development. She is a trained bodyworker and is interested in the relationship between body, mind and soul. She offers sessions in Rolfing - Structural Integration, Esalen Massage and Trager Therapy Continue reading



Course manager


Certified Shiatsu and Craniosacral Therapist, certified teacher for Feldenkrais, many years of experiences in Shiatsu, Shin Tai, Macrobiotics, Craniosacral Therapy, Feldenkrais, Yoga and Bioenergetics in her own practice. Teaches Shiatsu since 2003. Continue reading



Course manager


has been a Trager practitioner and teacher for the last 40 years. He studied with Dr. Milton Trager for 16 years and has a full time practice in Zurich, Switzerland. He has been a summer camp director, schoolteacher, farmer, businessman and massage instructor. He delights in sharing what he has discovered over the years, from his understanding of the relationship between therapist and patient to the mystery of growing the perfect tomato. Continue reading


Trager Therapy

Course manager


Trager Instructor, (CH). Gabriela began exploring Trager in 1994. Since then she has been interested in moving and strengthening the body in a soft way. She has background in the commercial sector and is an adult educator since 2015 (SVEB 1, 2, 3). Continue reading


Trager Therapy

Course manager


Pedagogue with additional training in movement education, training with Charlotte Selver, Katja Delakova and Moshe Bodmer, among others. Since 1989 Shiatsu therapist in own practice in Basel, graduated from the Ohashi Institute in NYC. Qigong teacher for over 30 years. Training at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg in the compact course "Traditional Chinese Healing Methods", seminars with Dr. Josefine Zöller and Prof. Zhang Guangde; for many years regular study visits to the China National Medical Qigong Training Base in Beidaihe and the Benediktushof in Holzkirchen. Continue reading


Qi Gong

Course manager


became a physiotherapist in 1974 and was later drawn to Trager after experiencing Reflex Response for the first time in a session with a Trager practitioner. This experience and continued fascination with Reflex Response inspired her to become a Trager practitioner in 2002, a tutor in 2006 and RR teacher in 2014, More recently, Katriona became an Instructor. She has organised Trager Egypt for the past 22 years and now teaches Trager trainings to the community there. Katriona is married and has lived in Cairo, Egypt since 1975, where she runs a full time practice and has led active childbirth classes for women in Egypt for the past 30 years. She has studied Somatic Experiencing® to complement her work, which enables her to help clients cope with traumatic events in their lives, both large and small. Continue reading


Trager Therapy

Course manager

Cathy SHEA

Cathy Shea has been a licensed massage and colon hydrotherapist in the USA since 1992 and a Certified International Instructor of Colon Hydrotherapy since 1994. Her professionals practice in 36 countries around the world and provide the highest standard of care in the industry. Cathy and her husband, Michael J. Shea, PhD, have published the textbook. Inquiries are welcome on their website https://cathysheaschool.com. She is the published author of her text entitled “Colon Hydrotherapy: The SheaWay” available on Amazon. Continue reading


Colon Hydro Therapy

Course manager


(Assistant Instructor) is part of the Somatic Dialogue Facilitator Training. She has been dedicating herself to Somatic Dialogue for 3 years and is preparing to start working with small groups and/or individuals in Luzern. This is how she defines Somatic Dialogue: Somatic Dialogue uses movements, touch, breath and music to connect with our senses and the inner landscape of our body. It aims to give the time, space and environment to tune into the body and its need to feel well and be nourished. By being in the Soft, Slow and Small, we can gently create a relationship with the material body and step by step access the invisible parts of the body. The aim is Muhabbet: A conversation where love flows. This is an opportunity to feel ourselves from within, embrace all of ourselves, melt resistances, meet and merge with ourselves and feel united in body, mind and spirit. Continue reading


Dance and Movement

Course manager

Veronika STALDER

is a singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer soundhealer, vocal coach (Master of Arts Jazz Singing and Music Pedagogy 2008 Lucerne), since 2006 music tours at home and abroad with Veronika's Ndiigo & various bands; further education in Complete Vocal Technique by CVT Copenhagen, with Orna Ralston (singer & shaman), soundhealing with Githa Ben David, since 2015 MOIA women's singing circles & own voice workshop offers Continue reading


Music, Sound, Voice

Course manager

Stefan Christoph STALDER

Body therapy training at the International Shiatsu School Kiental, training in energy work, systemic constellations with body-based trauma resolution, course assistant and teacher training at the Kientalerhof, trauma therapy Somatic Experiencing i.A.. For many years on the path of mysticism and researcher in the field of trauma and spirituality. Since 2022 with own practice for trauma integration and creative process support in Spiez. Continue reading


Systematic Constellation

Course manager


graduated with honors in Physics (1982) and specialized in Medical Physics (1985). Simultaneously, she began studying Yoga, Aikido and Shiatsu. She first completed a Shiatsu training course in Italy, then she has chosen to continue her studies first with Wataru Ohashi and later, for almost two decades, with Pauline Sasaki. In more recent years, she has used her skills from her studies in Physics, researching theories and experimental data to support the model of man that underlies Shiatsu and, more generally, Oriental Medicine. She has co-authored three fundamental texts on Shiatsu and Oriental medicine, and dozens of articles on the same subjects, seen through the lens of modern Western science. Original aspects of her Shiatsu approach concern the reading of man in terms of a quantum macro system. Continue reading



Course manager


has been a massage and bodywork teacher in California since 1971. She was fortunate enough to meet Milton Trager in his first course, which he taught in 1975. In 1980 she became a TRAGER Instructor and learned from him until Dr. Trager's death in 1997. She had her own practice and massage school all these years. Her simple and humorous way of teaching is very beneficial and enriching. Gail is a master in the art of listening and presence. Continue reading


Trager Therapy

Course manager

Paramjyoti Carola STIEBER

is a certified stage dancer, founder of her school for sacred dance Devadasi - Dance of the Heart, and director of the artistic documentary film "Im Spiegel Deines Angesichts". Continue reading


Dance and Movement

Course manager


has always been interested in movement, both as a sports teacher and as a dancer. In addition, she has been practicing Trager since 2010 and is constantly expanding her Trager work. She is currently completing her training as a tutor. In addition, she also works in holistic coaching. After living in Great Britain and Canada, she settled in Switzerland in 1980. Continue reading


Trager Therapy

Course manager

Susanne STRAUB

Facilitator Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology IHTP, ZEN student, training in Palliative Care Continue reading


Holotropic Breathwork

Course manager


is a singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, vocal and life coach (Master of Arts, Jazz Singing and Music Pedagogy Lucerne) and certified primary school teacher; since 2008 music tours with her own band and other projects in Switzerland & abroad; since 2015 mother of two children and homeschooler Continue reading


Music, Sound, Voice

Course manager


(CH, NL) is a certified voice therapist and certified breathing trainer. She works as an innerleadership coach/trainer. After the acting school in Utrecht NL, she has dedicated herself to the human voice since 1997 through many training and further education courses. Since 2003 she has been an internationally recognized voice trainer in NL, Germany and Switzerland. She continued her education in trauma therapy, singing, dance and eastern movement art. Her daily practice in Nada Yoga and meditation gives her work depth and breadth. Continue reading


Further training

Course manager


comes from Germany and first came into contact with the teachings of first came into contact with the Buddha teachings in Thailand, where he met the teacher Ajahn Buddhadasa. He has been a fully ordained monk of the Theravada tradition since 1990. In 1993 he returned to the West and gained experience in various other various other Buddhist traditions. He lived for several years in monasteries of the Ajahn Chah tradition in England and Switzerland. In 2005 he learned the insight dialog according to Gregory Kramer, was trained as an insight dialog teacher and has been teaching it worldwide since 2010. Inspired by the power of interpersonal meditation practice, from 2016 to the beginning of 2020 he led the Kalyana Mitta Vihara - House of Noble Friendship. Continue reading


Medtation and Mindfulness

Course manager


(J), joined the butoh dance company “Hoppo-Butoh-ha“ in Hokkaido in 1980. His last performance with the company was "Takazashiki" (1984), which was worked on by Butoh founder Tatsumi Hijikata. Atsushi started his own theme “Jinen Butoh” in 1986, and created solo works “Itteki” and “Ginkan,” as a universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times, environments. He made a three-year “JINEN” tour project throughout Japan for 600 site-specific improvisations (1996–1999). Since this time, he has been inspired by the spirit of the universe of  Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno. Since 2002, he has been mainly based in Europe, working on Butoh dance collaboration projects with dancers and actors in Italy, France, Poland, Spain, U.S.A., South America, and other countries. Joining in festivals such as Paris Butoh Festival, NY Butoh Festival, Avignon off Festival etc. he has been presenting his solo pieces. At the same time, he also collaborates with film makers. The recent work in Alaska and Hawaii, “Ridden by Nature” (by Kiahkeya), an environmental art film, will be completed soon. Continue reading



Course manager


is from Bangalore, South India. After studying Ayurvedic medicine, he moved to Europe. Here he has been deepening his experience as an Ayurvedic physician and trainer for 15 years. Together with his Ayurveda team, Umesh Tejasvi runs an Ayurveda center at ChieneHuus and in Zurich and is a teacher of Ayurveda Therapy KT education at Kientalerhof. He is author of the book "My Ayurveda - How the Universe Tastes." Continue reading



Course manager


is a Swiss-Kazakh-Turkish vocal and performance artist. She grew up in Istanbul as the daughter of Kazakh refugees who were expelled from East Turkestan. She has lived in Switzerland since the 1980s. Saadet combines tradition with improvised music and contemporary sound languages in her work. Her music is characterised by her origins, archaic and pure nature. She combines the traditional sounds of Central Asia and the Orient with contemporary influences from the Western world. Her music could be described as "folklore imaginaire" in a new guise. Saadet does not cultivate a particular style. She lets her thoughts flow vocally and seeks the challenge and unknown zones in musical communication, but also peace and the beauty of the sounds. Continue reading


Music, Sound, Voice

Course manager

Mehmet UNGAN

is a sociologist who studied in Mannheim, musician, lecturer and chairman of the board of OMM. As a lecturer at universities, he teaches Islamic mystical music and transcultural music offerings in social work, among others in Frankfurt, Mannheim and Innsbruck. He is co-founder of the Sufi community Gayanshala. With his Sufi music group Hosh Neva, he performs at intercultural and interreligious events throughout Europe. He owes his virtuosity on his instruments Ud and Ney to his two teachers Necati Çelik and Ömer Erdogdular (students of the legendary Ney master Niyazi Sayin). Continue reading


Music, Sound, Voice

Dance and Movement