Social permaculture & Facilitation - Kientalerhof

Social permaculture & Facilitation


22. Jun. 2024 - 10:00 Uhr -
23. Jun. 2024 - 16:00 Uhr


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Dive together into slow movements and fiery actions
We will dive into a variety of tools and knowledge gathering within the Social Permaculture and Facilitation. In this workshop you will experience living in a community within a Permaculture Garden. We will not only provide you with the theory but furthermore we’ll be doing hands on exercises. In addition you will also be given the space to connect with your own being, in activities such as Slow Body Movements, Yoga, Plant Meditation and in cooking with the community.
The Naturhof Team and you as a participant will be growing the inner seeds but also the communal seeds.

Workshop description

In our community workshop, we intertwine the principles of social permaculture with an understanding of learning and communication styles. By bridging these elements, we create a nurturing environment where everyone can actively participate and contribute.

Social permaculture, with its focus on fostering resilient and interconnected communities, thrives on effective communication and diverse learning approaches. Recognizing and honoring different communication styles ensures that ideas flow freely, relationships deepen, and collective goals become achievable. Moreover, understanding various learning styles allows us to disseminate permaculture knowledge in ways that resonate with diverse individuals, maximizing understanding and engagement. The connection between social permaculture, learning styles, and communication styles is crucial. It facilitates not only the sharing of practical skills and knowledge but also the cultivation of inclusive and collaborative community dynamics. By integrating these components, we empower individuals to connect with nature, each other, and themselves in meaningful ways, fostering a more sustainable and harmonious community fabric that thrives on diversity and mutual support. After this course you’ll be able to facilitate your own workshops with the tools and knowledge given to you throughout the weekend.

Cooking Together:
No gourmet chef skills needed; it's about getting everyone involved, sharing stories, and realizing how our food choices can impact more than just our taste buds. You will be cooking with local and seasonal ingredients, let’s fire that pit together.

Course duration

10:00 - 11:00 Movement practice - arrive in your body
11:00- 12:30 Introduction to social permaculture & what is required to facilitate a workshop
12:30-14:00 Lunch break*
14:00-18:00 Theory and practice of communication and learning approaches
(with a break in between)
18:00 - 20:00 Dinner
20:00 - 21:30 Community gathering (fire, music and chatting)

8:00 - 09:30 Breakfast
9:30 - 11:00 Deepening the variety of facilitation approaches, Hands on excercises
11:00 - 12:00 Plant Meditation
12:30 - 14:00 Community Cooking
14:00 - 16:00 Building bridges to own projects, Sharing and reflection space

Course price

We offer a range of price for all our courses. You can decide based on your financial possibilities. A participation should not fail due to lack of money, contact us if you need support.

CHF 210*
This contribution covers the minimal costs and effort for this workshop. We offer this option for low-income earners.

CHF 290*
The costs for the preparation and implementation of the workshop are covered and a small contribution can be made to the permaculture project, which enables its

CHF 370*
All costs for the preparation and implementation of the workshop are covered and a large contribution can flow into the Naturhof Permaculture project, which enables
further development.

*) The price includes the workshop day and food during your stay.
Contact us for the option of accommodation, we will instruct you.

Naturhof team offers locally grown and homecooked vegan meals, straight from the garden.
We appreciate your lunch booking in advance.
*) You can book your lunch or bring your own meal.


Naturhof, Griesalpstrasse 94, 3723 Kiental


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Course teacher


is certified in permaculture design from Bristol and Bulgaria, she's developed her skills for over three years. Elena's expertise extends to bioconstruction, natural cosmetics, and eco-friendly daily cleaning supplies. Her mission? To elevate the worth of agroforestry yields and craft valuable products from them. Beyond her professional pursuits, Elena is also learning to be part of a donkey herd, embracing the wisdom of animal-human dynamics. With passion and purpose, Elena embodies a commitment to sustainable living and community empowerment.

Course teacher

Irena NOV

ist eine Schülerin des Lebens. Sie teilt ihr Wissen über Yoga, Tanz, Mobilität und Bewegung mit Empathie und in der Herzverbindung. Sie gründete das Pinkhouse Institute for Holistic Health in Pristina und ist heute im Kiental zuhause, wo Sie Systemische Aufstellungsarbeiten leitet sowie Bewegungsräume öffnet. Ihre Ausrichtung ist eine Welt im Frieden.